Last Update: March 20, 2017.
日本の研究機関を所属とする者が、2016年に言語処理のトップカンファレンスもしくはトップ論文誌で発表した論文一覧です。 対象は TACL、NAACL、ACL、EMNLP、COLING です。Student/Demo 論文も含みます。 2014年版、2015年版は Graham Neubig さん (NAIST、現 CMU) が作成していましたが、2016年版がなったので村脇が作成しました (2017年版)。 収集は手作業なので漏れがあるかもしれません。
方針:数 | 所属 |
6.88 | NAIST |
6.66 | NICT |
6.60 | 京大 |
5.88 | 東北大 |
4.44 | 東工大 |
4.40 | 東大 |
3.53 | NTT |
3.27 | NII |
3.05 | Yahoo |
2.25 | IBM |
2.19 | 産総研 |
1.83 | 阪大 |
1.64 | JST |
1.59 | 早大 |
1.50 | 首都大 |
1.25 | 豊田工大 |
1.08 | 国語研 |
1.04 | お茶大 |
1.00 | 名大 |
1.00 | HRI-JP |
0.75 | 筑波大 |
0.50 | 甲南大 |
0.50 | |
0.50 | 楽天 |
0.50 | 岩手県立 |
0.25 | トヨタ |
0.25 | Sony |
0.25 | 津田塾大 |
0.19 | 愛媛大 |
0.17 | ATR-Trek |
0.17 | 総研大 |
0.13 | 同志社 |
0.13 | 総和技研 |
0.10 | Everyleaf |
0.08 | Retrieva |
0.05 | 立教大 |
種別 | 著者 (所属) | 論文表題 |
LONG | Jason Chiu (UBC) Eric Nichols (HRI-JP) | Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs |
LONG | John Richardson (京大) Fabien Cromierès (JST) Toshiaki Nakazawa (JST) Sadao Kurohashi (京大) | Flexible Non-Terminals for Dependency Tree-to-Tree Reordering |
LONG | Akiva Miura (NAIST) Graham Neubig (NAIST) Michael Paul (ATR-Trek) Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) | Selecting Syntactic, Non-redundant Segments in Active Learning for Machine Translation |
SHORT | Lemao Liu (NICT) Masao Utiyama (NICT) Andrew Finch (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | Agreement on Target-bidirectional Neural Machine Translation |
SHORT | Ariadna Quattoni (Xerox (Europe)) Arnau Ramisa (UPC) Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha (UPC) Edgar Simo-Serra (早大) Francesc Moreno-Noguer (UPC) | Structured Prediction with Output Embeddings for Semantic Image Annotation |
LONG | Manaal Faruqui (CMU) Yulia Tsvetkov (CMU) Graham Neubig (NAIST) Chris Dyer (CMU) | Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning |
SHORT | Gakuto Kurata (IBM) Bing Xiang (IBM (US)) Bowen Zhou (IBM (US)) | Improved Neural Network-based Multi-label Classification with Better Initialization Leveraging Label Co-occurrence |
SHORT | Sosuke Kobayashi (東北大) Ran Tian (東北大) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Kentaro Inui (東北大) | Dynamic Entity Representation with Max-pooling Improves Machine Reading |
SHORT | Ye Kyaw Thu (NICT) Andrew Finch (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | Interlocking Phrases in Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation |
SHORT | Tomoya Mizumoto (東北大) Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST) | Discriminative Reranking for Grammatical Error Correction with Statistical Machine Translation |
SHORT | Jun Suzuki (NTT) Masaaki Nagata (NTT) | Right-truncatable Neural Word Embeddings |
LONG | Yugo Murawaki (京大) | Statistical Modeling of Creole Genesis |
STUDENT | Anna Gladkova (東大) Aleksandr Drozd (東工大) Satoshi Matsuoka (東工大) | Analogy-based detection of morphological and semantic relations with word embeddings: what works and what doesn't. |
STUDENT | Wei Yang (早大) Jinghui Yan (早大) Yves Lepage (早大) | Extraction of Bilingual Technical Terms for Chinese-Japanese Patent Translation |
LONG | Kazuma Hashimoto (東大) Yoshimasa Tsuruoka (東大) | Adaptive Joint Learning of Compositional and Non-Compositional Phrase Embeddings |
LONG | Akiko Eriguchi (東大) Kazuma Hashimoto (東大) Yoshimasa Tsuruoka (東大) | Tree-to-Sequence Attentional Neural Machine Translation |
LONG | Yoshihide Kato (名大) Shigeki Matsubara (名大) | Transition-Based Left-Corner Parsing for Identifying PTB-Style Nonlocal Dependencies |
LONG | Makoto Miwa (豊田工大) Mohit Bansal (Toyota-TI Chicago) | End-to-End Relation Extraction using LSTMs on Sequences and Tree Structures |
LONG | Shumpei Sano (Yahoo) Nobuhiro Kaji (Yahoo) Manabu Sassano (Yahoo) | Prediction of Prospective User Engagement with Intelligent Assistants |
LONG | Tomohide Shibata (京大) Daisuke Kawahara (京大) Sadao Kurohashi (京大) | Neural Network-Based Model for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis |
LONG | Akihiro Tamura (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | Bilingual Segmented Topic Model |
LONG | Ran Tian (東北大) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Kentaro Inui (東北大) | Learning Semantically and Additively Compositional Distributional Representations |
LONG | Jingyi Zhang (NICT; NAIST) Masao Utiyama (NICT) Eiichro Sumita (NICT) Graham Neubig (NAIST) Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) | A Continuous Space Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation |
LONG | Takashi Miyazaki (Yahoo) Nobuyuki Shimizu (Yahoo) | Cross-Lingual Image Caption Generation |
LONG | Qiaozi Gao (MSU) Malcolm Doering (MSU; 阪大) Shaohua Yang (MSU) Joyce Chai (MSU) | Physical Causality of Action Verbs in Grounded Language Understanding |
LONG | Ryo Nagata (甲南大) Keisuke Sakaguchi (Johns Hopkins) | Phrase Structure Annotation and Parsing for Learner English |
LONG | Ryohei Sasano (東工大) Manabu Okumura (東工大) | A Corpus-Based Analysis of Canonical Word Order of Japanese Double Object Constructions |
LONG | Kohei Sugawara (Yahoo) Hayato Kobayashi (Yahoo) Masajiro Iwasaki (Yahoo) | On Approximately Searching for Similar Word Embeddings |
LONG | Sho Takase (東北大) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Kentaro Inui (東北大) | Composing Distributed Representations of Relational Patterns |
SHORT | Katsuhiko Hayashi (NTT) Masaaki Nagata (NTT) | Empty element recovery by spinal parser operations |
SHORT | Suzushi Tomori (京大) Takashi Ninomiya (愛媛大) Shinsuke Mori (京大) | Domain Specific Named Entity Recognition Referring to the Real World by Deep Neural Networks |
SHORT | Zornitsa Kozareva (Yahoo (US)) Makoto Yamada (京大) | Which Tumblr Post Should I Read Next? |
SHORT | Weihua Hu (東大) Jun'ichi Tsujii (産総研; Manchester) | A Latent Concept Topic Model for Robust Topic Inference Using Word Embeddings |
SHORT | Masaaki Nishino (NTT) Jun Suzuki (NTT) Masaaki Nagata (NTT) | Phrase Table Pruning via Submodular Function Maximization |
SHORT | Takamasa Oshikiri (阪大) Kazuki Fukui (阪大) Hidetoshi Shimodaira (阪大) | Cross-Lingual Word Representations via Spectral Graph Embeddings |
SHORT | Frances Yung (NAIST) Kevin Duh (Johns Hopkins) Taku Komura (Edinburgh) Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST) | Modelling the Interpretation of Discourse Connectives by Bayesian Pragmatics |
STUDENT | Tomonori Kodaira (首都大) Tomoyuki Kajiwara (首都大) Mamoru Komachi (首都大) | Controlled and Balanced Dataset for Japanese Lexical Simplification |
STUDENT | Hitoshi Otsuki (京大) Chenhui Chu (JST) Toshiaki Nakazawa (JST) Sadao Kurohashi (京大) | Dependency Forest based Word Alignment |
STUDENT | Eri Matsuo (お茶大) Ichiro Kobayashi (お茶大) Shinji Nishimoto (NICT) Satoshi Nishida (NICT) Hideki Asoh (産総研) | Generating Natural Language Descriptions for Semantic Representations of Human Brain Activity |
STUDENT | Davaajav Jargalsaikhan (東北大) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Koji Matsuda (東北大) Kentaro Inui (東北大) | Building a Corpus for Japanese Wikification with Fine-Grained Entity Classes |
DEMO | Pascual Martínez-Gómez (産総研) Koji Mineshima (お茶大) Yusuke Miyao (NII) Daisuke Bekki (お茶大) | ccg2lambda: A Compositional Semantics System |
DEMO | Hiroshi Noji (NAIST) Yusuke Miyao (NII) | Jigg: A Framework for an Easy Natural Language Processing Pipeline |
LONG | Pascual Martínez-Gómez (産総研) Yusuke Miyao (産総研; NII; 総研大) | Rule Extraction for Tree-to-Tree Transducers by Cost Minimization |
LONG | Hiroshi Noji (NAIST) Yusuke Miyao (NII) Mark Johnson (Macquarie) | Using Left-corner Parsing to Encode Universal Structural Constraints in Grammar Induction |
LONG | Akira Fukui (UC Berkeley; Sony) Dong Huk Park (UC Berkeley) Daylen Yang (UC Berkeley) Anna Rohrbach (UC Berkeley; Max Planck) Trevor Darrell (UC Berkeley) Marcus Rohrbach (UC Berkeley) | Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling for Visual Question Answering and Visual Grounding |
LONG | Naoki Otani (京大) Toshiaki Nakazawa (JST) Daisuke Kawahara (京大) Sadao Kurohashi (京大) | IRT-based Aggregation Model of Crowdsourced Pairwise Comparison for Evaluating Machine Translations |
LONG | Shihao Ji (Intel) Hyokun Yun (Amazon) Pinar Yanardag (Purdue) Shin Matsushima (東大) S. V. N. Vishwanathan (UCSC) | WordRank: Learning Word Embeddings via Robust Ranking |
SHORT | Masashi Yoshikawa (NAIST) Hiroyuki Shindo (NAIST) Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST) | Joint Transition-based Dependency Parsing and Disfluency Detection for Automatic Speech Recognition Texts |
SHORT | Sho Takase (東北大) Jun Suzuki (NTT) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Tsutomu Hirao (NTT) Masaaki Nagata (NTT) | Neural Headline Generation on Abstract Meaning Representation |
LONG | Ryu Iida (NICT) Kentaro Torisawa (NICT) Jong-Hoon Oh (NICT) Canasai Kruengkrai (NICT) Julien Kloetzer (NICT) | Intra-Sentential Subject Zero Anaphora Resolution using Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network |
LONG | Yuta Kikuchi (東工大) Graham Neubig (CMU) Ryohei Sasano (東工大) Hiroya Takamura (東工大) Manabu Okumura (東工大) | Controlling Output Length in Neural Encoder-Decoders |
LONG | Philip Arthur (NAIST) Graham Neubig (NAIST; CMU) Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) | Incorporating Discrete Translation Lexicons into Neural Machine Translation |
SHORT | Hidetaka Kamigaito (東工大) Akihiro Tamura (NICT) Hiroya Takamura (東工大) Manabu Okumura (東工大) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | Unsupervised Word Alignment by Agreement Under ITG Constraint |
SHORT | Gakuto Kurata (IBM) Bing Xiang (IBM (US)) Bowen Zhou (IBM (US)) Mo Yu (IBM (US)) | Leveraging Sentence-level Information with Encoder LSTM for Semantic Slot Filling |
LONG | Hiroki Ouchi (NAIST) Yuta Tsuboi (IBM) | Addressee and Response Selection for Multi-Party Conversation |
LONG | Kei Wakabayashi (筑波大) Johane Takeuchi (HRI-JP) Kotaro Funakoshi (HRI-JP) Mikio Nakano (HRI-JP) | Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Spoken Language Understanding |
SHORT | Koji Mineshima (お茶大) Ribeka Tanaka (お茶大) Pascual Martínez-Gómez (産総研) Yusuke Miyao (NII) Daisuke Bekki (お茶大) | Building compositional semantics and higher-order inference system for a wide-coverage Japanese CCG parser |
SHORT | Toshiaki Nakazawa (JST) John Richardson (京大) Sadao Kurohashi (京大) | Insertion Position Selection Model for Flexible Non-Terminals in Dependency Tree-to-Tree Machine Translation |
LONG | Natsuda Laokulrat (産総研) Sang Phan (NII) Noriki Nishida (東大) Raphael Shu (東大) Yo Ehara (産総研) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大; 産総研) Yusuke Miyao (NII; 産総研) Hideki Nakayama (東大; 産総研) | Generating Video Description using Sequence-to-sequence Model with Temporal Attention |
LONG | Hayate Iso (NAIST) Shoko Wakamiya (NAIST) Eiji Aramaki (NAIST) | Forecasting Word Model: Twitter-based Influenza Surveillance and Prediction |
LONG | Ryu Takeda (阪大) Kazunori Komatani (阪大) | Bayesian Language Model based on Mixture of Segmental Contexts for Spontaneous Utterances with Unexpected Words |
LONG | Xun Wang (NTT) Masaaki Nishino (NTT) Tsutomu Hirao (NTT) Katsuhito Sudoh (NTT) Masaaki Nagata (NTT) | Exploring Text Links for Coherent Multi-Document Summarization |
LONG | Mo Shen (Google) Wingmui Li (CUHK) HyunJeong Choe (Google) Chenhui Chu (JST) Daisuke Kawahara (京大) Sadao Kurohashi (京大) | Consistent Word Segmentation, Part-of-Speech Tagging and Dependency Labelling Annotation for Chinese Language |
LONG | Jaime Lorenzo-Trueba (UPM; NII) Roberto Barra-Chicote (UPM) Ascension Gallardo-Antolin (UC3M) Junichi Yamagishi (NII) Juan M Montero (UPM) | Continuous Expressive Speaking Styles Synthesis based on CVSM and MR-HMM |
LONG | Ali Cevahir (楽天) Koji Murakami (Rakuten (US)) | Large-scale Multi-class and Hierarchical Product Categorization for an E-commerce Giant |
LONG | Masayuki Asahara (国語研) Hajime Ono (津田塾大) Edson T. Miyamoto (筑波大) | Reading-Time Annotations for "Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese" |
LONG | Kenji Yamauchi (京大) Yugo Murawaki (京大) | Contrasting Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Typological Features |
LONG | Tomoyuki Kajiwara (首都大) Mamoru Komachi (首都大) | Building a Monolingual Parallel Corpus for Text Simplification Using Sentence Similarity Based on Alignment between Word Embeddings |
LONG | Shoko Suzuki (IBM) Hiromichi Takatsuka (IBM) | Extraction of Keywords of Novelties From Patent Claims |
LONG | Yusuke Oda (NAIST) Taku Kudo (Google) Tetsuji Nakagawa (Google) Taro Watanabe (Google) | Phrase-based Machine Translation using Multiple Preordering Candidates |
LONG | Yoshihiko Hayashi (早大) | Predicting the Evocation Relation between Lexicalized Concepts |
LONG | Josuke Yamane (豊田工大) Tomoya Takatani (トヨタ) Hitoshi Yamada (トヨタ) Makoto Miwa (豊田工大) Yutaka Sasaki (豊田工大) | Distributional Hypernym Generation by Jointly Learning Clusters and Projections |
LONG | Kento Watanabe (東北大) Yuichiroh Matsubayashi (東北大) Naho Orita (東北大) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Kentaro Inui (東北大) Satoru Fukayama (産総研) Tomoyasu Nakano (産総研) Jordan Smith (産総研) Masataka Goto (産総研) | Modeling Discourse Segments in Lyrics Using Repeated Patterns |
LONG | Hajime Senuma (東大; NII) Akiko Aizawa (NII; 東大) | Learning Succinct Models: Pipelined Compression with L1-Regularization, Hashing, Elias-Fano Indices, and Quantization |
LONG | Naoya Inoue (東北大) Yuichiroh Matsubayashi (東北大) Masayuki Ono (東北大) Naoaki Okazaki (東北大) Kentaro Inui (東北大) | Modeling Context-sensitive Selectional Preference with Distributed Representations |
LONG | Ryosuke Maki (東工大) Hitoshi Nishikawa (東工大) Takenobu Tokunaga (東工大) | Parameter estimation of Japanese predicate argument structure analysis model using eye gaze information |
LONG | Lemao Liu (NICT) Masao Utiyama (NICT) Andrew Finch (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | Neural Machine Translation with Supervised Attention |
LONG | Rui Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong) Hai Zhao (Shanghai Jiao Tong) Bao-Liang Lu (Shanghai Jiao Tong) Masao Utiyama (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | Connecting Phrase based Statistical Machine Translation Adaptation |
LONG | Sang Phan (NII) Yusuke Miyao (NII) Duy-Dinh Le (NII; UIT (Vietnam)) Shin'ichi Satoh (NII) | Video Event Detection by Exploiting Word Dependencies from Image Captions |
LONG | Aleksandr Drozd (東工大) Anna Gladkova (東大) Satoshi Matsuoka (東工大) | Word Embeddings, Analogies, and Machine Learning: Beyond king - man + woman = queen |
DEMO | Masayuki Asahara (国語研) Kazuya Kawahara (Retrieva) Yuya Takei (Retrieva) Hideto Masuoka (Retrieva) Yasuko Ohba (Everyleaf) Yuki Torii (Everyleaf) Toru Morii (Everyleaf) Yuki Tanaka (Everyleaf) Kikuo Maekawa (国語研) Sachi Kato (国語研) Hikari Konishi (国語研) | `BonTen' – Corpus Concordance System for `NINJAL Web Japanese Corpus' |
DEMO | Xiaolin Wang (NICT) Andrew Finch (NICT) Masao Utiyama (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | A Prototype Automatic Simultaneous Interpretation System |
DEMO | Rei Miyata (東大) Anthony Hartley (立教大) Kyo Kageura (東大) Cecile Paris (CSIRO) Masao Utiyama (NICT) Eiichiro Sumita (NICT) | MuTUAL: A Controlled Authoring Support System Enabling Contextual Machine Translation |
DEMO | Masayuki Asahara (国語研) Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST) Toshio Morita (総和技研) | Demonstration of ChaKi.NET – beyond the corpus search system |
DEMO | Adam Jatowt (京大) Marc Bron (Amsterdam) | HistoryComparator: Interactive Across-Time Comparison in Document Archives |
DEMO | Graham Wilcock (CDM Interact) Kristiina Jokinen (Tartu) Seiichi Yamamoto (同志社) | What topic do you want to hear about? A bilingual talking robot using English and Japanese Wikipedias |
DEMO | Takeshi Abekawa (NII) Akiko Aizawa (NII) | SideNoter: Scholarly Paper Browsing System based on PDF Restructuring and Text Annotation |
DEMO | Takashi Ogata (岩手県立) Tatsuya Arai (岩手県立) Jumpei Ono (岩手県立) | Using Synthetically Collected Scripts for Story Generation |
DEMO | Junta Mizuno (NICT) Masahiro Tanaka (NICT) Kiyonori Ohtake (NICT) Jong-Hoon Oh (NICT) Julien Kloetzer (NICT) Chikara Hashimoto (NICT) Kentaro Torisawa (NICT) | WISDOM X, DISAANA and D-SUMM: Large-scale NLP Systems for Analyzing Textual Big Data |
DEMO | Tatsuya Iwanari (東大) Kohei Ohara (東大) Naoki Yoshinaga (東大) Nobuhiro Kaji (Yahoo) Masashi Toyoda (東大) Masaru Kitsuregawa (東大; NII) | Kotonush: Understanding Concepts Based on Values behind Social Media |
DEMO | Fabien Cromieres (JST) | Kyoto-NMT: a Neural Machine Translation implementation in Chainer |